Monday, March 11, 2013

Did you match?

YES!!!! It was a huge day for us!! Not only was there the first Frederick child haircut EVER (see next post) but we got our match email!!! After waiting and waiting and waiting (turned in our finalized list feb 20)... It finally came!! We find out where we matched on Friday- and it can't come soon enough!!! This is the best of news- because it means we matched into a categorical program or a program with a prelim year of internal med or transitional-. Basically, we couldn't be more pleased!


Jessie said...

congrats!!! i thought it was so funny that YOU GUYS, of all people, would be nervous at all. programs were probably peeing their pants hoping that jason would rank them. :)

Beach Borchardts said...

That was so nice of Paul!
and as for you people-yeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!