Sunday, June 8, 2014

Our Saturday-

Watching "singing with Booky" as I pack like a crazy person.
Ellie has now joined in the fun of packing-- she actually slipped up and said "playing" instead of packing today- wish I could see it That way.  Here is an example box that I Have to keep sneakily unpacking and re packing (because her feelings get hurt)- flintstone kids vitamins- a perinatal pad- ribbons from the trash and who knows what all else... 
We took a break and went to Daddy's work for lunch!! It's always fun to see daddy ;) and luckily we caught him after a c section and before he had to go see a different baby. He's amazing.
We saw some other cute friends too and said goodbye.
Callan wouldn't break a smile for the first few minutes. Weirdo.
Cavan was the exact opposite! Look at him! I could eat him for lunch.
Ellie- showing off some odd berry she found.
And my sweet Emmy- how I love her.

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