Saturday, October 25, 2014

Callan's birthday day!

Callahan's birthday was an all day partay! He started with watching Daniel Tiger while in the bathtub (on birthdays we get to do whatever we want)
Ellie actually had a friend's birthday party- so it was festivities all around
Emmy caught callan a preying mantis for his birthday- he named her "bob jabber" and the girls discovered her gender because she showed them her beautiful wings.
For his birthday night we went to power play- 
He picked a candy necklace as his special treat
Elles might not have the hang of that gun...
The great part of a 2 yr old birthday party is that we never have spend a token- they all just can pretend play until the cows come home! 
Jason did the ski ball with them and they loved it! It's the one callan chose as his special game to play

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