Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dave didn't make it to Dominica yet... WAAAAAA!

Here we are crying at the airport- I'm taking the picture and vomiting from motion sickness- the ride to th airport is LONG, Windey and AWFUL! So we were so sad that some idiot in Puerto Rico decided to try to smuggle a suitcase full of Mercury on a plane- but Dave was sadder because he is trying to sleep in a Mercury filled airport on top of his WAY too heavy bags and praying that no one steals from him- BUT then we are the saddest because we have to make the drive back to the airport- waaaaaaa for everyone and ps say a prayer for Dave that he gets here fast, whole and unscathed.


nicole said...

Hey is that the shirt we gave Jason???? I Can't remember...I just know we gave him a transformer shirt! Anyways, love you guys and I will pray for Dave.....love him and hope he's okay

ronborchardt@yahoo.com said...

The good news is he made it and you guys did not have to make a second trip... Again Ross comes through for the good guys.. I think they bend over backwords for the 4 pointer people. Clearly they are hopeing they will talk A - Man Jason into teaching at the school.

Unknown said...

Okay, so from your Dad's comment it looks like he got there okay? Yay! Poor Liz, probably reminded her of being pg... I remember those days at the Ledges, even then she was such a trooper...BUT look at the results! If you continue to makes gorgeous, wonderful babies like Emmy, I guess it's worth the 4 months of puking all day long!!(easy for Grammy to say....) Dr. J - you need to come up w/a solution for morning sickness! I'm sure it's just somewhere in the brain....a little tweek here or there?