Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Emmy and Daddy Collage Style!

There were so many cute pics- I had to Collage them!
Here Emmy and Dad are hiking down to #1 Beach.
Here they are on #1 Beach- she is on his shoulders- so cute- I loved it.

Here they are playing in the river that empties into #1 Beach.

Emmy loves to peek around Jason's head (like Ryan used to) so she can play with his face- so cute!

Don't they just look so happy!


Beach Borchardts said...

I love her with Jason and playing with his face and hair etc!! Such special times! She's a lucky girl! xoxo

nicole said...

so adorable!!!!! SO beautiful....ahhh I wish I was there

ronborchardt@yahoo.com said...

Hello so have we confirmed where Emmy learned the Pirate face...
Yes Three peas in a pod and having fun at every turn. No doubt Emmy is her Daddys GIRL.....
She has a jockey face that is really cute when she is up on Daddy's shoulders.