Monday, July 26, 2010

the cutest girl in the world!

I can't even stand it :)
we were on a hike and Ems LOVED it!

I can't even stand it!


Beach Borchardts said...

She is a super hiker!! She fared better in the heat and muck than most!!

The Fredericks said...

Oh the teeth! It looks like my future job prospects have just become limited to "dental coverage included..."

Unknown said...

How is it possible that my lil' naturalist keeps getting cuter and more adventurous?!?! She is the bestest!

P.S. Does she realize balloons kill turtles (and other less important animals as well)?!?!

bryce and paige said...

she sure is!

Carrie said...

She has one of the sweetest smiles! How do you ever resist her? :)