Friday, July 9, 2010

Toddlers & Tiaras...

Don't judge me~
it was 8 AM- Emmy was begging to "play" with my makeup-
she knows that in the morning my logic is gone and my defenses are weak at best~if not completely down :)
I was VERY impressed by her GORGEOUS lashes- wow.
the boys need to watch out about 15 years from now :)
oh my, those baby blues- so happy that I got at least one blue eyed kiddo!


Cindy Lane said...

please start entering her in pageants like toddlers and tiaras! hahaha i would love to see you two on tv ;]

Beach Borchardts said...

Tell Jason to sleep now cuz in 15 yrs he'll be up all night worrying about her with those eyes!!

Grammy said...

Unbelievable, they look just like mamas! How are you guys doing? Did you both get well? Call me!