Monday, February 7, 2011


Being held by Uncle Josh for the first time ;)
Booky and Ellie together for the first time.

Emmy holding Penelope for the first time- she always says "that's Emmy's baby- it's Emmy's turn!" I loved this moment- it really was precious- she really loves her sister and her face was priceless!


Jessie said...

i LOVE al the firsts. emmy with "her baby" is SO SO SO sweet. :)

Jessie said...


Cameron and Kaley Stymeist said...

Emmy holding Penelope for the first time is priceless!! So precious and her little smile, so freakin cute!!!

Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

Everyone looks so in love with Ellie! Emmy is just so adorable holding her little sister...such a sweet moment to see.

Grammy said...

Ems face says it all! I want to eat them both! Soon.....