Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Big Mo!

Another AMAZING thing about NC is that there is a drive in movie-- so so so fun! this is the line of cars that lines up every Friday night- it opens at 6:30 and we play until dusk-about 9:00 when the movies start-- it is always a double feature.
Miss Ellie loves it there- because she gets to play and then play some more during the movie~

Emmy loves it too- because of the playground...

They also have refreshments there, boiled peanuts-funnel cake- yes please!- and you can bring in whatever food you want-- we always brings fabulous things! The South has not been good for our weight loss plan- but we have at least stayed the same due to our walking (post to come)Both girls love it because we are free to sit on the car and talk and play all during a movie-- and J ad I love that for the exact same reason- no babysitter- 2 movies-no sneaking food into the show-and sleepy girls (Emmy watches Snow White on a mini TV in the car). NC we simply love you!


Beach Borchardts said...

too fun! It's like a blast from the past! Everyone used to do the drive ins! Love those girlies!

Michigan Roys said...

So fun! I just noticed that Emmy's birthday ticker thing doesn't have her full name on it like Elle's does. :-) I love your adorable kids!

Mandy said...

K, so I look at your blog ALL the time, but I'm a horrible commenter (just the case of the LAZIES, really.) But your two little girlies are so stinkin' cute. I can't believe how big they are getting (not that I was really around them when they were little.) But I have watched them get bigger through your pics :) They're so super cute. You have VERY pretty girls! A big thanks to their mom, yes. :) Anyway, hope all is well. You have such a cute family and I love to look at all your pics and see all the fun you've been up to. Toodaloo!