Monday, December 5, 2011

The apartment from Hades~

We have since moved-- and I try to stay positive on this blog-- but I feel like this should be preserved for history's sake. Understand that it still was a palace compared to Dominica-- but we are in the USA now and certain standards are expected to be met.

Here it is-- really- it would have been fine~minus the guy above us who OD'd and died and the fact that there was no mailbox for a while-- not to mention the lack of hot water and a fridge when we moved in...or that the people above us smoked like chimneys and would drop their cigarettes on us or that there was a black widow crawling up the wall from the floor or that the swimming pool was condemned and closed by the HEALTH DEPARTMENT-to point out a few.

now this is petty- but notice the doors on the cabinet-- NONE of them shut- in the whole irritation that quickly flew into a full blown deal breaker after a few shin hits and near misses with the girls finding dangerous things.

All of the electric switches looked like this-- wait for it... yep-- 2 prongs-- you would be SHOCKED at how many things are NOT 2 pronged- TV's, computers, and microwaves to name a few.

and last but not least-- this was the stove-- the place was built in the 1950's-- and I'm fairly certain this was the latest and greatest at that time... not so much now. Needless to say- I don't miss it-- and I'm happy that we gave the land lady our 30 day notice the second day that we lived there.


Beach Borchardts said...

yikes!!! glad you're out of there!

Jessie said...
