Thursday, January 19, 2012

Christmas Eve~

Setting out the cookies for Santa--

on Christmas Eve we give our home made gifts-- I for some reason don't have them on here-- I'll have to find the pics- but~ I was lucky enough to get 2 this year- Dave made me the one he owed me from last year- he gave me a bag of styrofoam balls last year... ghetto- so this year I got a hawiian nativity-soooooo worth the wait.

On Christmas day- Booky watched Elles- she decided to take 4 steps AND get her first tooth-- let's just say we need Booky around more often!


Beach Borchardts said...

I love the White Christmas dresses!

Beach Borchardts said...

That was my favorite way to spend Christmas!! None of this hiking stuff-just lovin my Ellerson!