Saturday, October 13, 2012

CPK Babyland General Hospital

 YES-- it DOES exisit...and YES-- we went there... and YES-- I was more excited than the girls!

 see the delight!
 I LOVE Cabbage patches and even I found these a little creepy.

 They had a little boutique area...
 the girls loved it!

 the highlight was when mother cabbage delivered a baby while we were there-- what are the chances?! ;)
 afterwards- you could see the baby in the nursery.
 the nurse even brought the baby out for the guests to meet!

 they provide strollers and babies to enjoy while you are there-- again-- the girls were delighted!

 maybe the cutest pic ever!


Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

Oh wow! That is awesome! Little girl HEAVEN, for sure!

Carrie said...

I had NO idea this place existed! Oh, I wish I could take Auttie... but, I have a feeling it is nowhere close to STL!