Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ellie's birthday celebration!

Ellie got 3 cards in the mail-- appropriate. One from great grandma Connie, one from Booky/papa and  Grammy/papa rich.
And was delighted by the "dollars- not money" as she told me
Emmy was very involved with helping Elles enjoy her birthday ;)
When Ellie fell asleep I decorated the mantel for her birthday the next morning- she loved it.

She got mermaids and fairies- and was entranced.
Auntie amber made this cute card ;)
Celebrations!! Callan's hat lasted about 2 seconds. Sad that the car outlasted him...
Grammy and papa rich sent a package!!! Again Emmy loved helping- and Elles was so sweet to let her

Here she is playing with the puzzle Grammy and waving her dollars in the air 
Booky and Grammy sent the exact same card-- spooky ;) 
Ellie's cake-- not my proudest creation- I was going to make cupcakes- but last minute  she changed her mind... So this banana chocolate chip creation was the best cake option available-- the best present of all was that Jason got to be home for her birthday -- a rare occurance. And he actually made the cake part and dinner! Ahhhh this freed me up to cuddle Elles and tell her a million stories-- I'm fairly certain I told the 3 little pigs at least 7 times. 

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