Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Weirdy Wednesday

Yes- I had a black eye- for like 2 weeks...Emmy smashed my cheeckbone with her steel forehead~nice.

This isn't weird- it's just cute- Emmy's life is pushing her stroller.

I told Emmy to make a "cute face" this is what we got...

also not for WW but such a cute little bummy.

The lip gloss obsession continues.

Emmy loves my wallet and the many things in it- I loved her in this dress and thought her hair was especially cute that day- and the bottom left is a "smile" face- for real!


Beach Borchardts said...

Why does she look like Rapunzel with her F+VERY long hair!!???? What's going on???? Did you put extensions in????

Beach Borchardts said...

ps-love the jean pose-work it Ems work it!!!

Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

Oh man, your poor eye! I swear kid's heads are so dang hard!!! We had a situation where Kenley ran into the corner of a door frame and got a black eye and I got weird looks at the store for like 2 weeks. Just make sure Jason is real nice to you in public so people won't think anything hahaha

Jessie said...

how is it that you still look cute even with a black eye?! whatever. :)

Grammy said...

Cutest bum in the world! Love the LOOK too, such a beauty....