Wednesday, November 17, 2010

whoohoo whowhoo Emmy is 2~the partaay!

Guess who LOVED her b day party...
I just thought this was a fun pic- because it was in night mode and everyone is blurry but the b day girl :)
The 2 candles :)
blowing them out...
practicing blowing them out ;)
Emmy had a brownie b day cake (she requested "cocky"-which means chocolate for her cake)- delish! thanks Booky.
The festivities before they were used- Emmy loved that it was all for her and kept singing "happy birday Emmy, happy birday you" so cute!


Beach Borchardts said...

WOW!! That looks like a ton of fun!! Why don't birthday parties for the over 50 bunch look like this?? Next year, the whole shibang for booky's birday!

Carrie said...

Happy Birthday! That cake sounds yummy! Autumn's party is this Saturday!

Jessie said...

practicing blowing out her candles. :) of course you even got a picture of that! :)