Wednesday, November 17, 2010

whohooo whohoo Emmy is 2~presents

Emmy got sooo many FUN presents- she says "thank you" for everything!
She loved unwrapping and spent the whole time saying birday birday! Here she is unwrapping a present from Grammy- she loves the juice cup and can't wait to bake with her new princess set :)
Here she is observing her spoils.
She got a cowgirl hat AND candy from Uncle Josh-soo fun!
She loves her CD player from Grammy too.
Here she is enjoying the birthday fun- she got several adorable outfits from Booky and Papa and looks very CUTE in them.


Beach Borchardts said...

birdays are fun!! At least when you're 2!!

Josh and Kelly said...

Birthdays in America are so much fun!!! What fun presents, and what a fun girl!

Jessie said...

i can't get over how cute she looks in her tutu!