Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10 Months!?!

Yes- that's right- 10 months! How can that be-- and truth be told she is actually 11 now- the pic is from 10 months though-- I'm just that behind...

The 10th month was a BIG one-- many fun things happened- including FIRST Christmas, meeting and hating Santa and MEETING UNCLE DAVE!!! In Elle Belle's 10th month she is still quirky and cooky as ever.

She ADORES her binkie.

She is literally the cutest little thing alive.

She still is a perfect little cuddle bug who loves a massage anytime- anywhere- she also can sleep anytime- anywhere- LOVE this girl.

On Christmas Eve to be exact Ellie took her first real steps== 4 of them (here she is on TOP of our cocktail table-- nice-- she decided to be the queen of climbing and table dancing ~the weirdy Wednesday post)AND...

her first TOOTH broke through! top left bucky- what's scary is the second one is on it's way~and it's the left one next to it- uh oh.... I LOVE this girl-- she is perfect in every way!


Beach Borchardts said...

I want to eat her up! waaaaaaaaa I hate having to see her on the computer when I want a real live cuddle! ugh

Carrie said...

She is SO cute in the big furry coat hood!

Josh and Kelly said...

Okay she is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and so are you!!! I can totally see the resemblance with that picture of you in the mix of her pics!