Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Crafts for Callahan!

 the headbands are for the girls-- I was just modelling.
 i already posted these-- but the pee pee teepees-- I 've had several friends say this is a must have-- we'll see!
 Emmy didn't really understand what they were for ;)
 Ties for the handsome prince.
 Emmy loving on taggies for Callan, Ledger and Asher.
 Here he is!
 I know- he is soooo cute!!!
And what baby post isn't complete without at least one fuzzy pic of genitals?-- i ask you.


Chelsea said...

You and all your sewing gifts for everyone! You're so generous and sweet!!

Beach Borchardts said...

He is sooooo handsome!! I love the crafts too!!!