Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Goings on!!! what we've been up to lately...

 Before we left Augusta- we played at the park a lot... (the turtle is for Auntie Amber--this child is in LOVE with turtles)
 We did not sleep as much as we want...look at those luscious lashes and lips-- ah!
 more park fun- after ballet - obviously ;)
 We also played at McDonald's until- we dropped-- see-
 chocolate milk mustache-- are you kidding?! it's perfect!
 We played dangerously...
 Ellie's newest obsession-- Emmy's birthday cake-- the present that keeps giving.
 Look at these little sillies-- they LOVE buckets- and putting anything and everything in them.

 Again-- could we be sillier?!- yes, they are naked and yes- that's the dryer... whatever.
 Ellie's favorite thing to do is the knock knock game-- while I go to the bathroom- she closes the door and knocks-- I then open the door and this little face is what's waiting for me-- she is delighted every time.
 We went to Chick fa la on support CFA day-- it was busy- but I loved it!